
Meet Me aka Tracey - mother, wife, coffee addict, sugar addict, wine & rum lover, amateur gardener (1 plant is alive so that counts right?), compassionate and empathetic soul who loves a good boogie!

I am a Mum to my little loves, Max (who’s not so little anymore), Lilly and Sam. I am married to Grant and we recently celebrated our 17 year anniversary. I have 5 brothers and 1 sister and was raised by a single Mum!

I LOVE coffee on rainy days (those last 3 words were not needed), as well as smiling faces and warm hugs. I believe in drawing positive energy from the people around me, finding the best in all situations and always giving 100% no matter how challenging the task.

I have been known to shed a tear when a bride finally slips into her dress and the raw emotion sweeps over her face with the realisation that this is the moment she has pictured her whole life. I also may cry watching the father-daughter and/or mother-son dance BUT you will definitely catch me on the dance floor in amongst all the fun capturing your best dance moves.

This photo is temporary, I need to get my own butt into gear and take professional photos of myself with my own family. So this is a good-ole selfie. I am in an Andrew and Grace sandwich, if you don't know them, search Bottlebrush Films, you won’t be disappointed!