Capture the busy and chaotic before it becomes the quiet and organised!

As a parent you are forever in a constant busy, loud and sometimes chaotic world with a few raised voices here and there and throw in the occasional cuddle and kiss if you’re lucky. But then you realise that they haven’t held your hand in a while, and now they are getting too big to be picked up and school drop off becomes a ‘see-ya’ from the car instead of a shy ‘will you walk me to my class room please’.

My sessions are pretty casual and relaxed, running about an hour. I will get a range of photos of you with your kids, the kids by themselves, and you and your partner. Then I pretty much let the kids go nuts. Nothing is forced, I very much go with flow because having kids myself I know it's the only way they will let you go... and really, that's when you get the best, most genuine (and chaotic) photos.